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MATLAB app designer 如何设置背景图片

时间:2023-11-11 13:02来源: 作者:admin 点击: 76 次
文章浏览阅读7.9k次,点赞5次,收藏20次。MATLAB app designer 本身是不带设置背景图片功能的,但是我们能够通过使用app.UIAxes或者app.button来实现,灵感来自于国外的网友:首先要注意的是,在app designer中发生控件重叠覆盖时,不同控件之间的图层层级关系

假如运止不通,可检验测验不间接点击“运止”,而是点击“运止并行进”按钮。 那个MATLAB函数将灰度图像I中的强度值映射到J中的新值,使得1%的数据正在I的低强度和高强度下饱和。对图像f中任意像素的灰度值x停行调动,获得图像f 中对应像素的灰度值XF。 详细的算法轨范如下: i. Set adjustment linearity value; ii. Read in the image to be processed and assign it to I; iii. Assign image data to R. Change the original image into a monochrome image and keep the red color. Use the function imadjust to adjust the gray level of R, and the result returns R1; iv. Assign image data to G. Change the original image into a monochrome image and keep the green color. Use the function imadjust to adjust the gray level of R, and the result returns G1; v. Assign image data to B. Change the original image into a monochrome image and keep the blue color. Use the function imadjust to adjust the gray level of R, and the result returns B1; vi. Get RGB image after transformation; vii. Draw R, R1, G, G1, B, B1 images and observe the results of linear gray-scale transformation. 结果正常。 版权声明:原文为CSDN博主「灵泉matlab」的本创文章,遵照 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权和谈,转载请附上本文缘故链接及原声明。 本文链接:hts://blog.csdn.net/qq_31434537/article/details/104562388

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